Diving for abalone and diamonds and diver training – an oral history culminating in the Hermanus New harbour.

Diving for abalone and diamonds and diver training – an oral history culminating in the Hermanus New harbour.

Colourful local character Gottlieb (Boet) Scheun shares his love of adventure and lifelong passion for diving that led to a successful business in Hermanus. His unique story includes sport and commercial diving, fishing for crayfish and perlemoen and touches on diamond diving and oil rigs.

Oral history provides a fuller, more accurate picture of the past by putting small history (personal) in context of big history (seismic events).  Boet’s  story of  his life and the lives of people around him  was influenced by the residues of World War I,  on the positive impact of SOE’s for example South African Railways and the Post Office, on our 1994 change of government  and on how Government quotas on perlemoen harvesting  impacts local  fishermen.

BS Divers in the New Harbour developed into a world class commercial diving school training both local and international students. Its success is a tribute to the courage and persistence of the Scheun family who have overcome huge obstacles to create a successful business in Hermanus.

BS Divers offices and students